MTS Money Transfer System offers its licensees the possibility to perform transfers via a secure and online-based platform on the basis of a trademark license agreement. You will receive a safe and a wallet compartment, allowing you to optimally manage your income and expenses. Find out here how to register and what prerequisites are required:
Are you interested and would like to become a contractual partner?
- As a private licensee, enter your personal data (personal details + economic background). Only one person can be registered as a private licensee at a time.
- As a business licensee, you also provide information on beneficial owners, subscribers and approval holders. In total we can register up to 6 people here.
- Identification takes place via a video call by an employee.
- You are now a licensee and receive access to MTS Money Transfer System via a mailed ID.
- You receive a safe deposit box = vault.
- You receive a wallet.
- Designation of a person (contracting party) as beneficial owner.
- Designation of the beneficial owner(s) who hold(s) over 25% of the shares.
+ one authorized signatory
+ person with release authorization
Safe deposit box & wallet
on the safe side and always at hand
This vault is your main compartment. Here you define the limit of your wallet for everyday use.
In order to be able to carry out transactions as a contractual partner, a safe deposit box is established on the basis of a trademark license agreement, which represents the “vault”. The limit for the wallet compartment is defined via the safe deposit box. The wallet compartment is meant for daily use and serves for transactions with other licensees or non-licensees within the payment platform of MTS Money Transfer System. In case of a transaction with a non-licensee, this entity receives an e-mail requesting identification.
Incoming transactions always arrive at the safe deposit box.
The licensor bears complete responsibility for compliance of the underlying legal regulations and provides the platform. The licensee – or owner of the safe deposit box and wallet – is 100% responsible for their own business activities!
coin trade:
The following positions of physical gold are offered:
- 1 kg gold bars 999,9
- 1 oz gold coin 999,9 – collector coin 2018 – limited edition
- 1 oz gold coin 999,9 – collector coin 2023 – limited edition
The current rates can be found in your online portal.